
Friday, August 31, 2012

The Devil is in the Details...

We're getting ready to paint the living room!!! So excited! We've got the paint and now it's time to prep - which honestly is the least exciting part of painting. I mean, when the color goes on the wall and suddenly the whole room changes - THAT'S when it's exciting. But before you get that awesome feeling you have to trudge through... the details. They vary on each job but every project has them. Today, my details were patching nail holes and touching up the trim.

Lotsa nail holes (TC, why did you hang so many things?!)...

The trim is white so I'm not planning on painting it. BUT the tops of the baseboard and the sides of the all window trim was painted. Strange. And I really feel like all of the trim should be the same color. So I got a artist paintbrush (about 1/2 inch in diameter) and touched up allllllllll the trim. Took quite a while but I think the finished look will be worth it. (Oh, and the white I used to touch up was "whiter" than the trim white. So don't look too closely...)


During.... (I promise the difference in whites isn't THAT obvious! The flash and wet paint just makes it even more different. Yikes!)

Oh, we had a built-in bookcase that was blue...

And now it's white! YAY!

Check back soon for living room color!!!

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